Kos Olive Oil Tasting & Farm Experience

The tour takes place every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 11am to 3pm.

You are all invited to choose this special action for a unique experience!!


The tour...

The experience in our family farm is unique and it will remain unforgettable to each single guest. Most people ignore the tasting process of olive oil as it can be tasted with two different senses; Not only with our mouth but also with our nose.

We will start with a walk in our estate in order our guests to familiarize with the whole process of production. We will continue with a visit to the specially designed space where olive oil is stored and there our guests will be able to taste olive oil, according to the official procedure using the appropriate blue glasses.

Finally, they will have the chance to try traditional Greek cuisine by Mama Kontessa in the family taverna which is located next to our farm.

Tip: All our guests will be given a bottle of olive oil as a gift.

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